Our company was registered officially as OVHPA合同会社 in Japan on October, the 21st of 2020!
We are now open and actively working on our first contracts.
Coming soon is the Japanese language version of the site, and a product page… stay tune!
Our company was registered officially as OVHPA合同会社 in Japan on October, the 21st of 2020!
We are now open and actively working on our first contracts.
Coming soon is the Japanese language version of the site, and a product page… stay tune!
French translation is now available for our entire website!
Legal mention are missing though (only available in English for now) so please don’t sue us!
We are still in the process of translating our website into Japanese… Which should be available soon!
The preview version of our website is now available for selected reviewing members!
For now it only consist of a few items and run on a free instance using the Google Cloud application. The Google Domains and Cloud / SSL certificate / emails / etc configuration was quite difficult, and will be the focus of a post in my blog. I hope this will be useful for someone in the future.